An update to how we keep you updated
Here at Tyler Price we like to keep up with what is new and relevant. This year we upgraded our MYOB software, made improvements to our business processes, developed our new website and added some fresh faces to our team We are continuing to develop and as a result, come 2015 we will put any updates and important info on our Tyler Price website blog, and just release concise newsletters when we feel they are needed. Check out our blog here
New Health and Safety requirements…Will this affect you?
From 1st April 2015 there will be a new Health and Safety at Work Act, replacing the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992. Managers and company directors need to get their Work Place Safety procedures and processes documented and complied with, to reduce the risk of severe penalties and Tyler Price Accountants are, as ever, here to help. If you want more information on the reform, you can visit our website (insert link) or call one of the friendly team members to see how we can help give your Work Place safety a bit of a health kick and avoid the risk of being fined.
Reimbursements of Expenses include GST
It is a common misconception that GST does not need to be charged when claiming a reimbursement for business expenses from an employer: particularly when claiming overseas expenses. Please note that, regardless of the nature of the expense, if you are GST registered, you must include GST on all items on your invoice – even if you haven't paid GST on the underlying expense yourself.
Watch out for the scan scam
For those of you using swipe debit cards e.g. payWave, there are electronic devices that can steal your card details with just a swipe, even if it is in your wallet or bag. Make sure you keep your card safe and track your account expenditure if you have one of these cards.
Unfortunately sometimes we can't always be 100% sure that emails get through to you: technology has been known to let us down on occasion. We now email your Tax and GST payment reminders, but if an email does not get through this can result in interest and penalties to IRD, yuck! Therefore we would greatly appreciate it if you could take the following two small steps to ensure we are communicating with you effectively:
We want YOU for our website…
You will have seen profiles of many of our clients in previous newsletters. Now that our website is up and running, we are incorporating a business directory listed by categories, on our website with profiles of our clients and companies. If you are keen to get your face and a wee blurb about yourself or your company on our page of "preferred suppliers", then please give us a call or email
Spread the word
With our hard work and efforts paying off, on upgrading our system and improving our processes, we've become super efficient and are now ready to expand. We want to thank those clients who have recommended friends, family or colleagues to us. We are always excited to have new clients come on board with us, so we welcome any further referrals from you.
Give us your feedback and go in the draw to WIN!
We want to make sure you, our valued clients, are getting quality service from our team. Follow this link to complete the survey The survey is completely anonymous. Please take a moment to complete the survey then email us the promotional code found at the end of it to go in the draw to win a prize! We promise the prize will be much more interesting than the survey. The draw closes on 11th December so don't miss out.
Important Tax Dates
15 January 2015:
7 February 2015:
7 April 2015:
Annual Donation
Too often we are shocked and saddened to hear the news that cancer has struck the lives of members of our client community. In lieu of Christmas cards, this year Tyler Price will make a donation to the Cancer Society in the hope that this will go a little way to supporting those affected by cancer.
We are wrapping up for Christmas
We can't resist the call of summer, BBQs, beach, family and friends so Tyler Price Accountants are switching off and shutting up shop for two weeks. We will be closing down on Friday, December 19th and back to business on Monday, 5th January 2015. We hope you all have a wonderful and safe Christmas/New Year break and we are looking forward to catching up with you when we get back.
We offer a range a range of free, easy
to use online resources including
calculators, Key financial dates, tax facts and useful internet links.
Call us on 09 360 8425 or send us an email